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Whether it's a career change, a new phase of life, or a personal transformation, coaching can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate transitions and challenges successfully to create a life and career you love.

If you struggle with mindset, limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, self belief, self worth or imposter syndrome: I help you free yourself from old stories and limits that stop you moving forward, doing the things you want to do and achieving the success you deserve - in work and in life. 


Results driven coaching for professionals

book a session

Navigating burnout, lacking time and energy
for self care & personal growth

Struggling to balance the responsibilities
of work and family life.

does this
sound like you?

Struggling to adapt to new routines, job roles, parenthood or retirement.

Uncertain about the future and how to navigate new challenges & opportunities

Reassessing life priorities but unsure of where to start. Fearful of change.

Feeling lost and needing direction, clarity &
a non-judgemental, objective perspective.

Lacking confidence in making the right decisions for your career and life.

No matter your current situation, I believe that you are more powerful than you think and that you can overcome the challenges you face with the right tools and support. Coaching is the first step.

Discover how to strike a balance between your career ambitions and personal well-being, leading to increased satisfaction in all areas of life. Coaching creates a ripple effect.

I know what it's like to face challenges and navigate the complexities of work and life. Embarking on a coaching journey is a commitment to your growth and happiness, the best investment you can make.

No matter your current situation,
I believe you are more powerful than you think and that you can overcome the challenges you face with the right tools and support. Coaching is the first step.

Discover how to strike a balance between your career ambitions
and personal well-being, leading
to increased satisfaction in all areas of life. Coaching creates a ripple effect in every area of life.

I know and understand what it's like to face challenges, overwhelm while navigating the complexities of juggling work and life.

Embarking on a coaching journey is a commitment to your growth and happiness, the best investment you can make.

it doesn't have to be that way.

Good news!

Change is possible, let's work together.

I help you build confidence and self belief so that you feel empowered leading this change for yourself and can move through change with ease and clarity.

I hold you accountable & celebrate with you, making sure you do what you say and are taking aligned action in the direction of your goals. I want you to succeed, and that does take work. No ifs, ands or buts! Trust me, it's all worth it.

I guide you to live with purpose and on purpose. Being intentional and doing the important things that help you get where you want to go is what delivers results. Coaching gives you the clarity around how to do this.

I help you build confidence and self belief so that you feel empowered leading this change for yourself and can move through change with ease and clarity.

I hold you accountable & celebrate with you, making sure you do what you say and are taking aligned action in the direction of your goals. I want you to succeed, and that does take work. No ifs, ands or buts! Trust me, it's all worth it.

I guide you to live with purpose and on purpose. Being intentional and doing the important things that help you get where you want to go is what delivers results. Coaching gives you the clarity around how to achieve this in a way that is aligned with your vision for your life.

what it's like to work with me:


Tailored support to help you thrive.

coaching packages

ways to work together

First time clients, book a free discovery call to learn more about how coaching can support you and your personal development.

 book a free discovery call to learn more about how coaching can support you and your personal development.

Foundations for
Lasting Change

Power Coaching 
for Professionals

returning clients
book here

Get clarity, a plan and tools to build lasting work / life harmony as you transition back to the workplace so that you can thrive & produce.

1 SESSION €130       

A focused session to help you get unstuck, break-through limits or gain a new perspective on how to move forward with goals and next steps.

1 SESSION €130            

Get clarity, a plan and tools to build lasting change in your life. Be held accountable for achieving what you set out to do. 

4 SESSIONS €520       

Get clarity, a plan & tools to build lasting change in your life. Be held accountable for taking action and achieving what you set out to do

4 SESSIONS €520       


Embed Change for Lasting Results

Embed Change
for Lasting Results

First Time Clients

Deep dive on any areas holding you back from getting the results you desire. Helpful for times of transition and challenges.

8 SESSIONS €999          

Deep dive on any areas holding you back from getting the results you desire. Helpful for times of transition and challenges.

8 SESSIONS €999            

book a free call


first time clients
book a free call

first time clients
book a free call

first time clients
book a free call

Create an aligned, intentional life that brings you more
ease, joy, fun, lightness.

joy & flow

Find work that feels more satisfying and meaningful, aligned to your strengths and values.


Create greater peace, calm & harmony in your life. Feel
grounded even amidst
the storms.

Create greater peace,
calm & harmony in your life. Feel grounded, even
amidst the storms.


the results


Liberate yourself from self-imposed limitations and fear with guidance that removes blocks & barriers.


Change is possible with the right mindset, attitudes and beliefs. shift your mind,
shift your life.

mindset shifts

Get clear on your purpose, strengths & goals and make choices that bring you to where you want to be, faster.

Get clear on your purpose, strengths, goals & make choices that bring you to where you want to be, faster.


Reconnect to self & realise how powerful and capable you really are and that everything is connected.


Coaching challenges you to step outside your comfort zone, embrace growth and achieve your goals.


Gain greater belief and confidence in yourself. Learn to back yourself and believe
you can do it.

Gain greater self belief & confidence. Learn to back yourself and believe
you can do it.


book a free call

Siobhan Howe

- Senior Communications Director

Working with Kate helped me establish effective and sustainable changes and boundaries in my professional life that benefit my personal life and also help me make more effective in my work. 

Kate is personable, professional and a joy to work with. The sessions are impactful, but more importantly she also equipped me with the tools to make changes sustainable.

Working with Kate helped me establish effective & sustainable changes and boundaries in my professional life that benefit my personal life and also help me make more effective in my work. 

Kate is personable, professional and a joy to work with. Our coaching sessions are impactful, but more importantly she also equipped me with the tools to make changes sustainable.

I highly recommend Kate to professionals looking to enhance their work/life.

I highly recommend Kate to professionals looking to enhance their work/life.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 3

Client Testimonial


I worked with Kate when I took on a new job as a senior manager. The role had a lot of new elements to it and managing a large and complex team. Working with Kate helped me to prioritise what I needed to do in this role and how to work through difficult situations with a new team.

It was great to have the time and space away from my regular working day to explore these challenges, set new goal and reflect on achievements.

Coaching with Kate increased my confidence and allowed me to set career goals and reflect on achievements.

Coaching with
Kate increased my confidence & allowed me to set career
goals and reflect
on achievements.

REVIEW NO. 2 of 3


Client Testimonial

Julie O’Brien 

When I first heard of Kates services I was in a place where I felt I was simply too busy to engage but also needed to regain focus in my life. My sessions with Kate gave me that focus. As a working mother of 3 I felt I was losing control. I didn’t know how I was going to keep going.

Prioritising the time for these sessions with Kate along with her beautiful encouraging nature has helped me rebuild my confidence in who I am as a person, a mother and a professional. Kate has given me tools that I will use for a long time to come and I am extremely grateful to her for that.

Taking the time to set goals and list priorities in my life has made a phenomenal impact on my life. 

Taking the time to set goals and list priorities in my life has made a phenomenal impact
on my life. 

REVIEW NO. 3 of 3

- Healthcare Professional

Client Testimonial

Let's work together

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards your best self? Whether you're seeking clarity, more life work harmony, or personal growth, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Reach out and let's start your journey together. Not sure which services and offerings are best for you? Book a complimentary discovery call today.


Let's connect